
Grow your personal brand on LinkedIn with AI.


Taplio is an AI-powered tool designed to help professionals grow their personal brand on LinkedIn. It offers features such as personalized post suggestions, content scheduling, lead generation and analytics. The platform has been trusted by over 6,200 LinkedIn experts and marketers who have successfully grown their audience using Taplio's tools. With the help of AI technology, users can save time by automating tasks like content creation or finding relevant leads for networking purposes.

Actionable advice:

  • Use Taplio to automate your daily LinkedIn activities and save time.
  • Take advantage of personalized post suggestions based on your interests and past performance data.
  • Schedule posts in advance with high-fidelity previews to ensure they look great when published.
  • Utilize lead generation features such as commenting on specific people's posts or importing those who interacted with any LinkedIn post.
  • Monitor your progress with comprehensive analytics that provide insights into key performance indicators (followers, reach etc.) at a glance.

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