Nemo by Now & Me

A free mental health AI assistant.


Now&Me offers mental health support through its AI assistant, Nemo. Nemo is an empathetic virtual companion that provides personalized content recommendations and expert referrals to enhance users' mental well-being journey. It can be accessed 24/7 via WhatsApp and supports multiple languages. However, it is not a substitute for professional therapy and users are advised to consult with licensed professionals before making any serious decisions or changes.

- Sign up for Now&Me's free mental health AI assistant, Nemo
- Use Nemo as a companion on your journey towards self-discovery
- Chat with Nemo on WhatsApp anytime, anywhere
- Browse frequently asked questions about how it works and what types of support it provides
- Remember that while helpful, Nemo should not replace professional therapy
- Consult licensed professionals before making any serious decisions or changes in your life

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