
Lightning-fast front-end development.


Locofy is a tool that converts designs into production-ready code for various frameworks, including React, React Native, HTML-CSS, Next.js, Gatsby and Vue. The technology is powered by LocoAI and uses multi-modal heuristic models trained on millions of designs to produce close-to-production grade code without using vendor-specific libraries. Locofy integrates seamlessly with design tools such as Figma and Adobe XD while providing pre-built components from Material UI Bootstrap Ant Design Chakra UI Storybook. With Locofy's tagging functionality designers can handle styling layout responsiveness in their preferred settings (CSS modules Tailwind CSS TypeScript JavaScript Expo), sync project components to GitHub or pull into VS Code then deploy the frontend on Netlify Vercel or GitHub Pages. Teams can collaborate on code with live responsive prototypes before integrating business logic through API integration repo/deploy features.

- Use Locofy to convert your designs into production-ready code for various frameworks
- Integrate seamlessly with design tools like Figma and Adobe XD
- Tag interactive elements in your preferred settings (CSS modules Tailwind CSS TypeScript JavaScript Expo)
- Sync project components to GitHub or pull them into VS Code
- Deploy the frontend easily using Netlify Vercel or GitHub Pages

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