
Change the way you build product experiences.


Nudge is a platform that helps companies create engaging user experiences by providing tools for every stage of the user journey. The platform offers features such as nudges, gamification, surveys, and activation nudges to make product adoption easier and increase awareness. Nudge also helps drive feature adoption, reduce time-to-value, increase activation rates, accelerate repeat transactions and increase order value. It's easy to integrate with other tools using their APIs or SDKs that can be installed in less than 15 minutes. The customizable UI SDKs give you ready-to-use best practices so you can get started fast while the headless SDKs provide freedom and flexibility to build systems that align perfectly with your specific needs.

- Consider using Nudge if you want to improve your user experience
- Use their features such as gamification or surveys to engage users
- Integrate easily with other tools using their APIs or SDKs
- Customize the UI based on best practices provided by Nudge
- Utilize headless SDKs for more flexibility in building systems

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