Teal AI Resume Builder

Build the best resume ever.


Users can upload their existing resume or import their LinkedIn profile to quickly create and edit resumes using Teal's professional templates. Teal also offers AI-generated content such as summaries, achievements, and cover letters to speed up the resume creation process. The platform includes a quality analysis tool built by experts to improve writing skills, a match score feature that attaches keywords from job descriptions, and unlimited customizable versions of ATS-friendly resumes. The job application tracker allows users to save jobs they're interested in applying for and track their progress through the hiring process with reminders for following up on applications.

Actionable advice/recommendations:

  • Sign up for Teal's free AI-powered resume builder
  • Upload your existing resume or import your LinkedIn profile
  • Customize your new ATS-compliant professional template with personalized style settings
  • Use Teal's AI-generated content features like summaries, achievements, cover letters
  • to speed up the creation of custom versions of your tailored resumes.

  • Utilize the quality analysis tool built by experts in order to improve writing skills
  • and increase chances of landing interviews.

  • Save jobs you are interested in applying for via Job Application Tracker where you can track progress throughout hiring processes
  • Price:
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